36. M. Amoah, B. Sovacool, D. Mulvaney, M. Bazilian, R. Luarkie, D. Cardenas. (2024). Critical Minerals Mining and Native American Sovereignty: Comparing Case Studies of Lithium, Copper, Antimony, Nickel and Graphite Mining in the United States. Extractive Industries and Society. 20: 101557.

35. M. Dupuis and D. Mulvaney. (2024). Opening the Black Box: Carbon-Footprint Calculators, Meat Consumption, and the “Wicked Problem” of Metric Governance. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy. 20(1): 2390232.

34. J. Blair, N. Vineyard, A. Cantor, A. Sharbat, K. Berry, D. Mulvaney, E. Bartholomew, A. Firebaugh Ornelas, (2024). Lithium and Water: Hydrosocial Impacts across the Life Cycle of Energy Storage. WIREs Water, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews.

33. Dustin Mulvaney, (2024). Embodied Energy Injustice and the Political Ecology of Solar Power. Energy Research and Social Science. 115, 103607.

32. Dustin Mulvaney, (2024). Governing Solar Supply Chains for Improved Socio-Ecological Outcomes. In, Siddharth Sareen and Abigail Martin, Geographies of Solar Energy Transitions: Conflicts, Controversies and Cognate Aspects. UCL Press.

31. Brian Tarroja, Julie M. Schoenung, Oladele Ogunseitan, Alissa Kendall, Yang Qiu Timothy Malloy, Jens Peters, J. Mijin Cha, Dustin Mulvaney, Oliver Heidrich, and Manuel Baumann. (2024). Overcoming Barriers to Improved Decision-Making for Battery Deployment in the Clean Energy Transition. iScience. 27, 109898.

30. Mulvaney, D., Bazilian, M. (2023). Price Volatility, Human Rights, and Decarbonization Challenges in Global Solar Supply Chains. Energy Research and Social Science, 102, 103167.

29. Turley, B., Cantor, A., Berry, K., Knuth, S., Mulvaney, D., Vineyard, N. (2022). Emergent landscapes of renewable energy storage: Considering just transitions in the Western United States. Energy Research and Social Science, 90, 102583.

28. Mulvaney, D. (2022). Renewable Energy Supply Chains and the Just Transition. In Erika Weinthal, Jeannie Sowers, and Stacy Vanderveer (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics. Oxford University Press.

27. Mulvaney, D. (2022). Solar Power and the Just Transition. In Y. Ko and M. Caufman (eds.). Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Handbook. London, Routledge Press.

26. Yekang Ko, Makena Coffman, Dustin Mulvaney, Andrea Copping, Hsiao-Wen Wang, Brendan Barret. (2022). Conflicts of Greens’ in Renewable Energy Landscapes: Case Studies and a Planning Framework. In Y. Ko and M. Caufman (eds.). Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Handbook. London, Routledge Press.

25. Mulvaney, D., Richards, R. M., Bazilian, M. D., Hensley, E., Clough, G., & Sridhar, S. 2021. Progress towards a circular economy in materials to decarbonize electricity and mobility. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 110604.

24. Mulvaney, D., Busby, J., & Bazilian, M. D. (2020). Pandemic disruptions in energy and the environment. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 8(1): 052.

23. Sovacool, B.K., S.H. Ali, M. Bazilian, B. Radley, B. Nemery, J. Okatz, D. Mulvaney. (2020). Sustainable Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future. Science. 367(6473): 30–33.

22. Mulvaney, D. (2020). Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Commodity Chain Analysis to Explore Sustainable and Just Photovoltaics. In Solar Cells And Light Management: Materials, Strategies And Sustainability. Edited by Francesco Enrichi and Giancarlo C. Righini, New York: Elsevier, 509–527.

21. Pellow, M. A., Ambrose, H., Mulvaney, D., Betita, R., & Shaw, S. (2019). Research gaps in environmental life cycle assessments of lithium ion batteries for grid-scale stationary energy storage systems: End-of-life options and other issues. Sustainable Materials and Technologies. 7 e00120.

20. Hernandez, Rebecca, Alona Armstrong, Jennifer Burney, Greer Ryan, Kara Moore, Ibrahima Diedhiou, Steven M. Grodsky, Leslie Saul-Gershenz, Davis R., Jordan Macknick, Dustin Mulvaney, Garvin A. Heath, Shane B. Easter, Brenda Beatty, Michael F. Allen, and Daniel M. Kammen.(2019). Techno-ecological synergies of solar energy produce outcomes to mitigate global environmental change. Nature - Sustainability. 2(7): 560–568.

19. Wade, A., R. Sinha, K. Drozdiak, D. Mulvaney, J. Slomka. (2018). Ecodesign, Ecolabeling and Green Procurement Policies – enabling more Sustainable Photovoltaics? Proceedings of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference and World Conference on Photovoltaic Electricity Conversion. June 16, 2018.

18. Mulvaney, D. (2017). Identifying the roots of Green Civil War over utility-scale solar energy projects on public lands across the American Southwest. Journal of land use science, 12(6), 493-515.

17. Mulvaney, D. (2017). Geographies of Solar Power. K. Calvert and B. Solomon. Handbook on the Geographies of Energy. Edward Elgar, New York.  

16. Mulvaney, D. (2016). Energy and Global Production Networks. Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy. B. Sovacool, Van de Graaf, T., Kern, F., Ghosh, A., and Klare, M. B (Eds.). London, Palgrave.

15. Mulvaney, D. (2016). Renewable Energy. Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Barney Warf (Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.  

14. Mulvaney, D. (2014). Are Green Jobs Just Jobs? Cadmium Narratives in the Life Cycle of Photovoltaics. Geoforum, 54, 178–186.

13. Mulvaney, D. & Krupnik, T. (2014). Zero-tolerance for genetic pollution:  Rice farming, pharm rice, and the risks of coexistence in California rice. Food Policy, 45, 121–131.  

12. Mulvaney, D. (2014). Solar’s Green Dilemma. Must cheaper photovoltaics come with a higher environmental price tag? IEEE Spectrum, September, 26–29.

11. Mulvaney, D. (2013). Opening the Black Box of Solar Energy Technologies: Exploring Tensions Between Innovation and Environmental Justice. Science As Culture, 22(3), 214­–221.

10. Mulvaney, D. & Zivian, A. (2013). Sowing seeds of hope in California's fields of resistance to Pharm rice and Frankenfish. Journal of Political Ecology, 20, 159–179.

9. Newell, P. & Mulvaney, D. (2013). The Political Economy of the Just Transition. The Geographical Journal, 178(3), 1-12.

8. Sakellariou, N. & Mulvaney, D. (2013). Engineers and the Renewable Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 139(1), 12–18.

7. Lipschutz, R. & Mulvaney, D. (2013). The Road not Taken, Round II: Centralized v. Distributed Energy Strategies and Human Security. In H. Dyer & M.J. Trombetta (Eds.), International Handbook of Energy Security (pp. 483–506). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

6. Newell, P., Phillips, J. & Mulvaney, D. (2011). Pursuing Clean Energy Equitably. Human Development Research Paper 3. United Nations Human Development Report.

5. Bacon, C., Mulvaney, D., Ball, T., Crow, B., Dupuis, M., Gliessman, S., Lipschutz, R., & Shakouri, A. (2011). The Creation of an Integrated Sustainability Curriculum and Student Praxis. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12(2), 193–208.

4. Mulvaney, D., Krupnik, T. & Koffler, K. (2011). Transgenic Rice Evaluated for Risks to Marketability. California Agriculture, 65(4), 161–167. 

3. Mulvaney, D. (2008). Finding vulnerabilities, exploring opportunities: reconfiguring production, consumption, and conservation in California rice. Agriculture, Food and Human Values, 25, 173–176.

2. Mulvaney, D. (2008). Making local places GE-Free in California’s contentious geographies of genetic pollution and coexistence. In M. Boykoff, K. Evered & M. Goodman (Eds.), Contentious Geographies: Environmental Knowledge, Meaning, and Scale (pp. 147–164). London: Ashgate.  

1. Hunt, J., Anderson, B., Phillips, B., Tjeerdema, R., Richard, N., Connor, V., Worcester, K., Angelo, M., Bern, A., Fulfrost, B., & Mulvaney, D. (2006). Spatial relationships between water quality and pesticide application rates in agricultural watersheds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 121, 245–262.


2023. Brian Tarroja, Dustin Mulvaney, Rebecca Peer, Emily Grubert, Maximizing the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Electricity Resource Portfolios. American Geophysical Union.

2019. Carbon Management on Federal Lands as a Decarbonization Strategy. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. December 8, 2019.


2023. Testimony, before the U.S. House of Represenatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The Role of Federal Research in Establishing a Robust U.S. Supply Chain of Critical Minerals and Materials. November 28, 2023.

2023. Testimony before the United States House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, Committee on Natural Resources, Oversight Hearing entitled, “Examining the Methodology and Structure of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Critical Minerals List.”

2023. Testimony before the California Legislature, Assembly Bills 2 & AB 1238. March 27, 2023.

2022. Testimony before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Energy & Commerce, Energy Subcommittee, Wednesday, June 22, 2022.

2019–20. Expert Witness, Bio-methane Tariff Proceeding, Sierra Club & EarthJustice. California Public Utilities Commission Docket # A.19-02-015.

2014–16. Expert Witness, Energy Storage Proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission, Sierra Club & EarthJustice.

2014. Expert Witness Testimony, Utah Public Utilities Commission, Produced written report on behalf of Sierra Club in proceedings over Rocky Mountain Power’s solar net metering and customer charges. Direct testimony DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31415.52645, Net metering avoided cost methodology, PV payback model, Emissions estimates, & Surrebuttal testimony.

2014. Expert Witness Testimony, California Public Utilities Commission, Produced written report on behalf of Sierra Club in proceedings over California IOUs plans to comply with the electricity storage mandate that requires investor owned utilities to install storage.

2012. Expert Witness Testimony, California Public Utilities Commission, Produced written report on behalf of Sierra Club in proceedings over California IOUs plans to restructure electricity rates.

2012. Expert Witness Testimony, California Public Utilities Commission, Produced written report on behalf of Sierra Club against Pacific Gas & Electric’s plan to offer voluntary, unbundled, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to customers.

2012. Prepared background information and analysis for an Amicus Brief on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, et al. v. James Goldstene (California Air Resources Board) submitted by the Environmental Defense Fund.

2010. Expert Witness Testimony, California Public Utilities Commission, Produced written report on behalf of Sierra Club against Pacific Gas &Electric’s plan to lower electricity rates for customers consuming over 200% of baseline.

2009. Expert Witness Testimony, California Public Utilities Commission, Prepared testimony for the Greenlining Institute against Pacific Gas &Electric’s failure to assess the cost of decommissioning and recycling of PV power plants.


16. Johanna Bozuwa, Dustin Mulvaney, Isabel Estevez, Adriana DiSilvestro, Kristina Karlsson, and Sunny Malhotra. 2024. Planning to Build Faster: A Solar Energy Case Study. Toward a Democratically Rooted, Nationwide Strategy to Accelerate Solar Deployment in the United States. Climate and Community Institute and Roosevelt Institute.

15. Johanna Bozuwa and Dustin Mulvaney. 2023. A Progressive Take on Permitting Reform: Principles and Policies to Unleash a Faster, More Equitable Green Transition. Climate and Community Project and Roosevelt Institute. August 22, 2023.

14. Stephanie Dashiell, Mark Buckley, Dustin Mulvaney. 2019. Green Light Study: Economic and Conservation Benefits of Low-Impact Solar Siting in California. The Nature Conservancy. November 2019.

13. Ambrose, H., D. Mulvaney, R. Betita. 2019. Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-ion Batteries in Stationary Energy Storage Systems. Electric Power Research Institute. August 29, 2019.

12. Ambrose, H., D. Mulvaney, R. Betita. 2017. Review of Environmental Life-Cycle Assessments of Lithium Ion Batteries for Grid-Scale Storage. Electric Power Research Institute. Dec 31, 2017.

11. Mulvaney, D., Gershenson, A., and Toscher, B. 2016. How Production Horizons of Already Leased Federal Fossil Fuels Outlast Global Carbon Budgets. A report for the Center for Biological Diversity and the Friends of the Earth.

10. Mulvaney, D., Gershenson, A., and Toscher, B. 2015. Potential Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Federal Fossil Fuels. A report for the Center for Biological Diversity and the Friends of the Earth.

9. Hansen, E., Mulvaney, D., and M. Betcher. 2013. Water Resource Reporting and Water Footprint from Marcellus Shale Development in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Earthworks.

8. Mulvaney, D. 2013. Life Cycle Assessment of GHGs from Brown Seaweed EtOH production, unpublished, prepared for BioArchitecture Lab.

7. Mulvaney, D. 2012. Carbon Intensity Report for Sunoco’s Fulton Ethanol Plant, unpublished, prepared for Sunoco.

6. Mulvaney, D. 2012. Ecological Risks from the Escape of Transgenic Salmon. White paper prepared for the Ocean Conservancy, in anticipation of FDA decision to deregulate transgenic salmon. Unpublished.

5. Gershenson, A., J. Barsimantov, and D. Mulvaney. 2011. Background Paper on Greenhouse Gas Assessment Boundaries and Leakage for the Cropland Management Project Protocol, prepared for Climate Action Reserve.

4. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. 2009. Towards a Just and Sustainable Solar Industry, San Jose, CA.

3. Center for Food Safety. 2005. California Genetic Engineering Scorecard

2. Mulvaney, D., & Wells, J. 2004. Biotechnology, the Life Sciences Industry, and the Environment: An Annotated Bibliography. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Workshop on Environmental Politics. 

1. Mulvaney, D. 1997. Sonoluminescence Theory and Lab Manual, (unpublished, written during Independent Study, Used in Advanced Topics in Physics Lab, Prof. Trevor Tyson, New Jersey Institute of Technology).

24. D. Mulvaney. 2024. The future of extraction, energy dominance, and federal lands under Trump. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. December 9, 2024.

23. D. Mulvaney. 2024. Permitting reform is back from the dead. Will lawmakers sacrifice America’s public lands to the fossil fuel industry? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. September 12, 2024.

22. Mulvaney, D. 2024. Expanding the bull’s eye of solar development on public lands. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. April 2, 2024.

21. Mulvaney, D. 2023. The Public Lands Rule: Can conservation leasing mitigate impacts from energy and mining? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. July, 1, 2023.

20. Mulvaney, D. 2023. Want clean energy, fast? ‘Streamlining’ environmental reviews could have the opposite effect. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. February 1, 2023.

19. Mulvaney, D. 2022. Battle over the sun in the Golden State. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. June 3, 2022.

18. Busby, J., M. Bazilian, D. Mulvaney. 2020. Energy Transition: Coal as the Canary. Yale Global.

17. Mulvaney, D. & M. Bazilian. 2019. The Downside of Solar Energy. Scientific American. December 1, 2019.

16. Mulvaney, D. 2019. “Degrowth should be a core part of the just transition: A review of Degrowth by Giorgos Kallis.” Uneven Earth. October 3, 2019.
15. Mulvaney, D. 2017. “Transgenic Crops.” Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. P. Thompson & P. Kaplan (Eds.). New York: Springer.
14. Mulvaney, D. 2015. Act now to handle the coming wave of toxic PV waste. Solar Industry Magazine 8(6): 17–20.
13. Mulvaney, D. 2013. Hazardous Materials Used in Silicon PV Cell Production: A Primer. Solar Industry Magazine 6(8): 17–9.
12. Mulvaney, D. 2011. Renewable Energy Deployment: Opportunities for Improvement. Desert Report, CNRCC Desert Committee, March 2011.
Mulvaney, D. 2009. “Precautionary Principle,” “Environmental movements,” & “New Jersey.” Encyclopedia of Climate Change. S.G. Philander (Ed.). London: Sage.
2–8. Mulvaney, D. 2007. “Biotechnology,” “Genetic Engineering,” “Green Movement,” “Maize,” “Salmon,” “Uncertainty,” “Free Trade,” Dictionary of Environment and Society. Paul Robbins (Ed.). London: Sage.
1. Mulvaney, D., Newton, L., & Warner, K. 2007. “Genetic Engineering.” Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. B. Kolb (Ed.). London: Sage.


2024    $80,000     U.S. Department of Energy - Solar Energy Technologies Office - Materials, Operation, and Recycling of Photovoltaics (MORE PV). Total: $8 million

2023    $100,500   Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Assigned Time Award, San Jose State, 2024–2029.

2023    $98,000     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Principal Investigator: Alida Cantor; CoPI: Kate Berry,

                           Dustin Mulvaney, James Blair, Lead Institution: Portland State University. Total $649,492.

Environmental justice impacts across the life cycle of energy storage. July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027. EPA Grant Number: R840556.

2022    $84,065     National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator (PI): Alida Cantor; Co-PI: Kate Berry, Dustin

                            Mulvaney, James Blair, Lead Institution: Portland State University ($400,000 total)

                            Hydrosocial dynamics and environmental justice in water-energy transitions. Award, 00037554.