Just Transitions Publications
Johanna Bozuwa and Dustin Mulvaney. 2023. A Progressive Take on Permitting Reform: Principles and Policies to Unleash a Faster, More Equitable Green Transition. Climate and Community Project and Roosevelt Institute. August 22, 2023. https://rooseveltinstitute.org/publications/a-progressive-take-on-permitting-reform/
Turley, B., Cantor, A., Berry, K., Knuth, S., Mulvaney, D., Vineyard, N. (2022). Emergent landscapes of renewable energy storage: Considering just transitions in the Western United States. Energy Research and Social Science, 90, 102583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102583
Dustin Mulvaney. 2022. Renewable Energy Supply Chains and the Just Transition. In Erika Weinthal, Jeannie Sowers, and Stacy Vanderveer (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics. Oxford University Press. https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197515037.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780197515037-e-35
Dustin Mulvaney. 2022. Solar Power and the Just Transition. In Y. Ko and M. Caufman (eds.). Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Handbook. London, Routledge Press. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Sustainable-Cities-and-Landscapes-in-the-Pacific/Yang-Taufen/p/book/9780367471149
Dustin Mulvaney. 2020. Sustainable Energy Strategies: Socio-Ecological Dimensions of Decarbonization. London, Palgrave MacMillan.
Sovacool, B.K., S.H. Ali, M. Bazilian, B. Radley, B. Nemery, J. Okatz, D. Mulvaney. 2020. Sustainable Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future. Science. 367(6473): 30–33. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6473/30
Newell, P. & Mulvaney, D. 2013. The Political Economy of the Just Transition. The Geographical Journal, 178(3), 1-12. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/geoj.12008/abstract
Sakellariou, N. & Mulvaney, D. 2013. Engineers and the Renewable Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 139(1), 12–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000128
Newell, P., Phillips, J. & Mulvaney, D. 2011. Pursuing Clean Energy Equitably. Human Development Research Paper 3. United Nations Human Development Report. http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2011/papers/
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. 2009. Towards a Just and Sustainable Solar Industry, San Jose, CA. http://svtc.org/solar_repor/
The Just Transitions Lab
Ocotillo Wind Energy Project, Ocotillo, California.
Energy and Land Use
We assess questions related to how energy systems impact land, ecosystems, and communities, and how energy landscapes can be restored and improve environmental equity.
Flows representing a more circular production system than the take-make-waste economy.
Circular Economy & Supply Chains
Our research looks at how we can understand how waste can be utilized as resources and how to make supply chains more sustainable and just.
Panoche Valley, California.
Energy Justice, Environmental Justice, Water Justice, and Climate Justice
We look at the key issues at the root of environmental inequalities from pollution burdens, to climate vulnerabilities to water equity.