Teaching Resources
Mulvaney, D. (2020). Sustainable Energy Transitions: Socio-Ecological Dimensions of Decarbonization. Palgrave Macmillan,
About Sustainable Energy Transitions: This textbook introduces the key concepts that underpin sustainable energy transitions. Starting with the basic biophysical principles, current sources and environmental consequences of existing energy resource use, the book takes readers through the key questions and topics needed to understand, prescribe, and advocate just and sustainable energy solutions. The interdisciplinary nature of the book aims to build bridges across the social and natural sciences and humanities, bringing together perspectives, ideas and concepts from engineering, economics, and life cycle assessment to sociology, political science, anthropology, policy studies, the humanities, arts, and some interdisciplinary thinkers that defy categories. This accessible approach fills the gap for a textbook that integrates sustainability science and engineering studies with strong empirical social science and it will be a useful tool to anyone interested in the socioecological dimensions of energy system transitions. Read a sample from Google Books.
Energy Transitions
Other resources used in this course:
- Energy Transition Show podcast
Ullman, A. N., & Kittner, N. (2024). Are global efforts coordinated for a Just Transition? A review of civil society, financial, government, and academic Just Transition frameworks. Energy Research & Social Science, 108, 103371.
Dunlap, A., Verweijen, J., & Tornel, C. (2024). The political ecologies of “green” extractivism (s): An introduction. Journal of Political Ecology, 31(1), 436-463.
Sovacool, B. K., Bell, S. E., Daggett, C., Labuski, C., Lennon, M., Naylor, L., ... & Firestone, J. (2023). Pluralizing energy justice: Incorporating feminist, anti-racist, Indigenous, and postcolonial perspectives. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102996.
Stevis, D., & Felli, R. (2020). Planetary just transition? How inclusive and how just?. Earth System Governance, 6, 100065.
Energy Transition Show podcast [Episode #123] – Sustainable Energy Transitions
2. Fundamentals of Energy Science
3 - Energy and the Social Sciences
Assignment – Supply Chains, Sustainability, & Environmental Justice
Sultana, F. (2022). Critical climate justice. The Geographical Journal, 188(1), 118-124.
Mulvaney, D. (2024). Embodied energy injustice and the political ecology of solar power. Energy Research & Social Science, 115, 103607.
Jenkins, K., McCauley, D., Heffron, R., Stephan, H., & Rehner, R. (2016). Energy justice: A conceptual review. Energy Research & Social Science, 11, 174-182.
Riofrancos, T. (2022). The Security–Sustainability Nexus: Lithium Onshoring in the Global North. Global Environmental Politics, 1-22.
Sovacool, B. K. (2014). Diversity: Energy studies need social science. Nature News, 511(7511), 529.
4 - Fossil Fuels & Resources
Assignments - Measuring Carbon Intensity
Buck, H. J. (2022). Mining the air: Political ecologies of the circular carbon economy. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(3), 1086-1105.
Busby, J., M. Bazilian, D. Mulvaney. 2020. Energy Transition: Coal as the Canary. Yale Global. https://yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/energy-transition-coal-canary
Chattopadhyay, D., Bazilian, M. D., Handler, B., & Govindarajalu, C. (2021). Accelerating the coal transition. The Electricity Journal, 34(2), 106906.
5 - Nuclear & Renewables
Assignment - Estimating the resource potential of renewables
The key to tackling climate change: electrify everything
Mackay Miller. Electrification: its role in deeply decarbonized energy systems
Keeping the balance: How flexible nuclear operation can help add more wind and solar to the grid
6 - Sustainable Energy Indicators
Assignment - Life Cycle Assessment
Baker, E., Carley, S., Castellanos, S., Nock, D., Bozeman III, J. F., Konisky, D., ... & Sovacool, B. (2023). Metrics for decision-making in energy justice. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48(1), 737-760.
Smith, B. L., Sekar, A., Mirletz, H., Heath, G., & Margolis, R. (2024). An Updated Life Cycle Assessment of Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems Installed in the United States (No. NREL/TP-7A40-87372). National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO.
Vaclav Smil 2010-power-density-primer
7 - Low Carbon Electricity Systems
Assignment - Planning for Electric Futures
Turley, B., Cantor, A., Berry, K., Knuth, S., Mulvaney, D., & Vineyard, N. (2022). Emergent landscapes of renewable energy storage: Considering just transitions in the Western United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 90, 102583.
Lazar. 2016. Teaching the Duck to Fly
Planning to Build Faster: A Solar Energy Case Study. Roosevelt Institute/Climate & Community Institute.
Felicity Barringer. 2021. What it May Take to Harness Solar Energy on Native Lands. West Center.
ETS podcast [Episode #121] – Winning and Losing the Policy Game
ETS [Episode #46] – Is 100% Renewables Realistic?
8 - Low Carbon Mobility
Assignment - Well-to-Wheels Calculators
Achieving Zero Emissions with More Mobility and Less Mining. Climate and Community Project.
ETS podcast [Episode #75] – Transportation Transition
One Planet podcast - What are the environmental impacts of biofuel production?
9 - Low Carbon Industries and the Built Environment
Assignment - Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Decarbonization Strategies
The Case for a Green New Deal for Public Housing. Climate and Community Project.
DOE Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap.
10 - Sustainable and Just Energy Strategies
Lennon, M. (2017). Decolonizing energy: Black Lives Matter and technoscientific expertise amid solar transitions. Energy research & social science, 30, 18-27.
Luke, N., & Heynen, N. (2020). Community solar as energy reparations: abolishing petro-racial capitalism in New Orleans. American Quarterly, 72(3), 603-625.
Hoffacker, M. K., Allen, M. F., & Hernandez, R. R. (2017). Land-sparing opportunities for solar energy development in agricultural landscapes: a case study of the Great Central Valley, CA, United States. Environmental science & technology, 51(24), 14472-14482
- Listen: ETS podcast, Making Policy Work interview with Danny Cullenward